Friday, July 6, 2007

Drivin' a new car!

Middle class, Middle age people like my husband and me are trying to teach our children about values and that material possessions are fleeting. Now that our daughter is 16 we want her to know that her first car should be humbling. I also reminded her that her daddy, my husband, has been practicing law for twenty years and he still drives a 1998 Ford Taurus. This is a car I had when I was a drug rep. We are also trying to teach her and our 11 year-old son that buying a nice practical car is smart and that we should not judge people because of the car they drive. We should also feel good in whatever car we drive whether it is a modest car or a luxury car.

We've been shopping around for a "pre-owned" car since our daughter turned 16 in June. When our friend, an auto broker, suggested we "test drive" a 2003 BMW we thought, "O.K. we will try it; it is just another car."

I am not sure I can continue to teach my children that we should appreciate just any car-as long as it gets us from point A to point B.
There is just no arguing that my husband and I both are much better looking stepping out of the BMW than we are when we step out of the Taurus or even the Excursion. People look at you differently. Like hey, you look really good. It's the aura around the BMW. The Taurus doesn't give off the same aura.

1. People who drive luxury cars usually give the same reasons for buying them-they are safe or they last forever (remember 150,000 miles on a luxury car is nothing)!(Chryslers are safe and cost a lot less)!

2. On the other side of the coin people who drive practical cars say things like, "I just want a good safe dependable car to get me where I need to go."

Cookie Logic says that neither of these people is very honest about the cars they drive. The luxury car drivers never tell the truth, "I bought this car 'cause I look damn good in it!" and the practical person may just have to admit I drive this Ford-because dependable or not-it is affordable!


Billie said...

WOW! I can relate. You are a very taltented writer I really liked the honesty part. I have always said "sometimes I get on my own nerves". we are a pretty high strung family. anyway sometimes I am unhappy because I can't go anywhere. Thanks for sharing and love to you all. Your blog is great...
Aunt Bill

k.j. hayes said...

Cookie! Great blog. Gets better everyday. I think you are a true Flapper. Can I be one of your interesting, unconventional friends?